Local Offerings
Opening prayer
Basic Exercise
body warm up
Chit Shakti Pranayama- Heart Clearing- Meditation
*2 Students
Opening Prayer
Basic Exercise
Tapping and Lions Breath - body warm up
Spinal Breathing - Brahmari- Meditation
*3 Students
Connect with 3-step breathing (savasana)
Basic Exercise
Warm up
Yogic and Spinal Breathing- Nadi Shodhana- Meditation
Lions Breath and Tapping
Opening up the body
Spinal Breathing and OM chanting
*5 students
Lions Breath and Tapping
Strong Yogic Breathing and Nadi Shodhana
*5 Students
Introducing the dimension prior to forms.
Agnisara - Jala Neti- Nadi Shodhana - Closing Meditation
HW: Continuing the practice of the Basic Exercise, a before-bed practice of Nadi Shodhana.
*2 Students
Basic Exercise, Tapping and Lion's Breath
Strong Yogic Breathing - Ujjayi - Letting Go
HW: Practice of opening the body into three rounds of Yogic Breathing
*2 students
Introduction to the Basic Exercise (laying down)
Connecting with the breath, heart clearing
Seated, gentle exercises
*2 Students
The Student - Teacher Relationship
On the surface, a spiritual teacher shares and guides particular practices that balance our energy and still the mind. In my classes for instance, I pass along what has brought transformation and greater goodness into my life as well as what I have witnessed in many others developed through both modern science and ancient non-dual spiritual traditions. This is a wonderful opportunity to share with one another and relate in quite a unique, valuable way.
Ultimately however, the teacher you have come to will fail to give you what you ultimately desire. This may read as dismal but actually this is where the true relationship between student and teacher begins. The truth you already have. How can someone give you what you already have?
And so is the true aim of a spiritual teacher in your life- assisting your deliverance to the teacher within you. To the essential truth of who you are.
As a student you have a responsibility. You must actively participate in questioning your teacher, discerning what works for you and what may not be. This cultivates a relationship built on honesty. This is not just important to protect both you, your teacher and the teachings… it is inseparable from your spiritual growth.
We call ourselves ‘teacher’ and ‘student’ but perhaps a better term is spiritual friendship.